Guiné Bissau: Avaliação final do programa Ações Integradas em Nutrição e Desenvolvimento Agrícola

project description
The European Union financed the action “Ações Integradas em Nutrição e Desenvolvimento Agrícola (EU-AINDA)” (expected) to reduce food insecurity and support the sustainable socioeconomic development of the population by supporting agricultural value chains that can promote inclusive economic growth and improve quality of life, availability and / or access food products. This evaluation focused particularly on “Programa EU-AINDA resultado 3” (FED /2015/358-417) which sought to contribute to the sustainable improvement of the economic and social conditions of rural populations in Guinea-Bissau, particularly in the regions of Bafatá, Bolama, Biombo, Oio, Cacheu.
The overall objective of this evaluation was to provide an overall independent assessment of the action’s intermediate performance and lessons learned to improve current and future actions. In particular, the evaluation served to understand the performance of the actions in addition to the factors enabling or inhibiting the attenuation of expected results. An emphasis was placed on results-oriented approaches and the contribution towards the implementation of the SDGs.
The evaluation was conducted according to the five standard evaluation criteria of the Development Assistance Committee (DAC) of the OECD: relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, sustainability and early sign of impact, in addition to the EU-specific criteria: value added by the EU, and the coherence of the action with the EU’s strategy in Guinea Bissau.
The final output consisted of a Final Report including Executive Summary delivered to the EUD Delegation in Guinea Bissau, discussing findings, conclusions and recommendations.
services provided
- Conducted background and stakeholder analysis
- Reconstructed the Intervention Logic and Theory of Change based on documentation and interviews
- Designed the methodology and evaluation matrix
- Identified missing information and hypotheses to be tested during the Field Phase
- Gathered primary evidence through focus groups and visits to key stakeholders in the regions of Cacheu, Biombo, Bolama, Oio, Bafatá, and Bissau during a Field Phase
- Analysed data to provide final results
- Managed stakeholders through kick-off, debrief and final meetings in Bissau